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Showing posts from 2010

Week 8

Sorry I have not been posting, life has been super busy with school out. I have still been going to bootcamp. I am really enjoying it because I feel strong and healthy and I am losing inches but the weight just is not dropping yet. I ran a 10k trail run race on Saturday. It was a great run and I felt really good when I finished. I am now hooked to trail running! Today at bootcamp we ran lots of stairs and a lot of sweat was dripping off all of us! Thanks for stopping by, I will try to post more than I have been! ---Jena

Week 3 wrap up.

Sorry I have not been posting. I have my little brother staying with us so we have been keeping busy this week. Monday was a great workout with Laura, we have a huge class of around 18 people now so she had to get creative. Tuesday our other trainer was out of town so a friend and I met up at the gym and worked out for 45 minutes. Yesterday we did bootcamp outside on the grass. By the time we were done I have red hives up and down my arms and legs. When I got home I took Benedryl and that knocked me out from 6:30-10:30. It was horrible. Today our trainer is out of town still so I was going to meet up with my friend again, but she was unable to make it. So, I still got myself over to the gym and worked my butt off for 42 minutes. I ran 10 laps on the indoor track. I ran 10 staircase loops which is up the stairs, down the hall, down the other stairs, down the hall and back up the stairs again, 10 times. After a quick drink I ran up and down one set of stairs 5 times and then to e

Week 2 Complete!

Well, I have completed 2 weeks of boot camp and I am feeling great. I can already tell a big difference in my clothes and in my energy levels. I love the routine of waking up, getting ready, and completing my workout for the day by 6:30 am. Everyone in our class is doing great. I am really enjoying this class, it feels good to be pushed to your limits and sometimes go beyond what you think you can do! On a side note, today is my Husband's birthday, so, it looks like I get to enjoy some Indian food tonight! Happy Birthday McKay! ---Jena

June Body Transformation Contest

So, I know I already took a before picture last Monday and posted it. Well, this June, our bootcamp is having a contest for the biggest body transformation in the month of June. The winner gets a 2 night hotel stay. I would like to win this, I always love a challenge! --Jena Here are my before pictures for the June Contest:

Feeling good...

For the last 3 days we have been sweating like no other! The workouts have been very intense. I wake up hungry every morning, ready to eat and workout. I can't wait to see my results Sunday morning. I can't believe week 2 is almost over, only one more day left. Another one of my friends joined yesterday, so now I get to workout with 4 of my friends, plus I have made a few new friends over the last two weeks! I am so glad I took this opportunity to make some serious changes, mentally and physically. ---Jena

What keeps me going Wednesdays...

I decided to do a scheduled post every Wednesday and the topic will be "What keeps me going". I will be focusing on the types of food I eat to keep my motor running while I am doing boot camp, running, climbing and training for the Red Rock relay race. This week my post is about  LUNA  bars. I love Luna bars for my pre-workout snack or post-workout snack and they come in handy when I am on the road or out of town because they fill me up and it is better than snacking on a candy bar that is full of bad calories. The calories vary between 170-190 depending on the flavor and type. Luna bars are made specifically for woman and made with 70% organic ingredients. The normal bars have between 8 and 9 grams of protein depending on the flavor and the new Luna protein bars have 12 grams of protein. They taste so good that you forget you are eating a fitness bar. The price of Luna bars depends on where you go to get them. I have found them for under a dollar a piece at Target and Wa

Week 2: Day 6 & 7

This week has been great so far. Yesterday we went in on Memorial Day at 7:00 am instead of 5:30 am and worked our butts off. It was nice to sleep in a little, but I prefer to get up at 5:00 am and get it done for the day. Today was great, our trainer really pushed us to the point of sweating every last drop we had. It went by so fast. He has a contest going for the month of June. The prize is a two free night stay for the person with the best body transformation. He wants us to take another picture today and then we are doing measurements on Thursday. I have to say, I am shooting for this prize, I think I have a good chance if I can keep up the energy and strength! In one week I have seen amazing changes. Clothes are getting loose, and I am getting stronger. We went climbing yesterday at the climbing gym with family for Memorial Day. The climbs have difficulties on them starting at a 5.4 all the way up to 5.11 and beyond. The only one I have been able to get to the top on is a 5.4

Weigh-In Day!

Okay, so today I weighed in and here are the results of week one of boot camp: -4.2  pounds! This is very exciting! The hard work pays off and watching my calories paid off too. I am looking forward to week two. This week four of my friends are joining boot camp so it will be great to have friends along side of me. Have a great Sunday! ---Jena

Don't get rid of it, just don't go overboard!

These last couple of days I have been thinking about a new way to tackle soda and sweets. A few posts ago I said I was not going to do Soda or sweets or unhealthy snacks until September. After thinking a lot this week I have decided to change my plan of action. The sweets and soda and unhealthy snacks are not the problem. The problem is going overboard when these temptations are around. Let's face it, these naughty temptations are everywhere. Now I know that I am totally capable of getting rid of these things and staying away, but I was thinking back to every time I do this, when my time restraint of staying away from treats is up, I go crazy overboard and eat way more than I normally would. Here is my new goal: If I am going to have a treat or sweets because I decide to, then I need to be aware and accountable for the calories I take in. I have started keeping a food journal again, Monday-Friday and it is a great habit for me because it shows me where I go wrong during the d

Day five: Week one of Boot Camp Complete!

Well, I did it, I completed a full week (5 days) of boot camp at 5:30 am and I survived. I feel so good about the hard work I have put in and I can't wait to start seeing results. I just want to say that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and just do it. No excuses, just get out there and start doing the work. There are some amazing people in our class and it is great to have them to work out with everyday. We all push each other and it is nice to hear their cheers and words of encouragement. Our two trainers are awesome and encourage us to push ourselves beyond what we think we are capable of. I look forward to next week. Even though Monday is a holiday, we are still going in on Monday. We do get to sleep in a little bit, since the gym doesn't open until 7:00 am on Monday due to the holiday. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I am looking forward to going climbing at the gym tonight, a nice run in the morning, a break on Sunday, and boot camp and a climb out

Day four: Outdoors and Friends!

Day four I had a little surprise. When I pulled up to the community center, three cute ladies came up to the back of my car. I hopped out and it was three of my friends from the neighborhood that I live in. I was so excited to have some people that I knew come to Boot Camp. They did awesome for their first day, Marcus really pushed us hard, but they were troopers! We had to strap on a sled that weighed over 100 pounds and pull it across a field and back. It was rough, it took all the strength you had inside to do pull that sled. We all did it and it felt great to accomplish such a big task. We did a lot of workouts outside while the sun was rising in the east. I was a beautiful morning to be outside working out with friends while our families were still sleeping in their beds. Day five, here I come! ---Jena

Day three: Different Trainer

Wow, can I say that I am sore from the stairs yesterday!? Sore in places I did not know I had muscles! That aside, today was a great workout. We had a different trainer today, she was awesome and pushed us hard. It is nice having two different trainers that work you till you drop. They have different styles so I think it is great to get pushed in different ways and work different muscles. I am starting to get to know some of the people in the class, all very nice. Day 3 was great, I am starting to feel really good. Last night my sleep wasn't the greatest, I kept waking up every hour thinking I would not get up in time and miss my alarm. My soreness levels: Monday's workout I could feel today and was about a 3 out of 10 in soreness. Tuesday's workout I would say was around a 7 or 8  out of 10 mostly in my legs. Biggest loser was great last night, go Mike! We had biggest loser party at my friends house with healthy snacks and food. Good times! I can't believe we

Day two

Today was crazy hard! We started out with running 2 sets of stairs 25 times. Up and down counted as one, I got to 21 before he stopped me and we moved to the next thing. I am so glad I signed up for boot camp, this first week is a little rough but I am glad he is pushing us, it feels good. To give you an idea of how hard it was, the most in shape people there were complaining! I am predicting that day 3 will be the day I am really feeling it. We also get a different trainer tomorrow, I am sure she will push us just as hard! ---Jena

Day one and Before Picture

Hey everyone! Today was day one at Bootcamp and it kicked my butt! I feel good after working out hard. There were a few times where I almost felt like I was going to throw up and I was sweating so I know I got a good workout. I weighed myself yesterday and Moab took a "Before" picture of me this morning. I can't wait to see the end results. I hope to be in the best shape of my life in 3 months. I will weigh every Sunday morning and Post my results here. Thanks for following my weight loss Journey, love the support! The trainer did give me a compliment, he asked where I normally work out and I said on my own at home. I was able to keep up for the most part with people who had been going for awhile. It felt good to know I am not totally out of shape. I will post my soreness level when it kicks in! Today we were heavy on the arms, I am sore just typing! ---Jena BEFORE and never again:

I'm back! For Realzies!

Okay, so it is time I am serious about posting my progress. This year I have lost a lot, but gained it right back as soon as I stopped moving. I got into bad habits with eating and sleeping and now I regret not keeping up with the workouts and healthy eating habits, even though I was burnt out, it was not worth gaining it back. It comes on faster than it goes, now the hard work starts over again. Someday I will learn, I hope... I am, however, proud to list my accomplishments: 3 5ks so far 1 10 k 1 15 k 2 half marathons so far On Sept. 11th I will be running in my first relay race. I am very excited but I have 3 legs to run in 24 hours: Leg 1= 6.5 Leg 2= 6.3 Leg 3= 3.9 I also plan on running at least 2 more half marathons this year. My new adventure in weight loss starts on Monday, May 24th. I joined a local Boot Camp for 3 months, so by Aug. 23rd I Will be looking good. I will be working out 5 days a week at 5:30 am. Yeah, crazy I know! I really want to push myse