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What keeps me going Wednesdays...

I decided to do a scheduled post every Wednesday and the topic will be "What keeps me going". I will be focusing on the types of food I eat to keep my motor running while I am doing boot camp, running, climbing and training for the Red Rock relay race.

This week my post is about LUNA bars. I love Luna bars for my pre-workout snack or post-workout snack and they come in handy when I am on the road or out of town because they fill me up and it is better than snacking on a candy bar that is full of bad calories.

The calories vary between 170-190 depending on the flavor and type. Luna bars are made specifically for woman and made with 70% organic ingredients. The normal bars have between 8 and 9 grams of protein depending on the flavor and the new Luna protein bars have 12 grams of protein. They taste so good that you forget you are eating a fitness bar.

The price of Luna bars depends on where you go to get them. I have found them for under a dollar a piece at Target and Walmart. At Harmons and REI they run about 1.25 a piece.

I am going to list the flavors I have tried and what I think about them:
  • Lemon Zest- This is my favorite bar. It has a nice lemon touch to it and I never get board of it.
  • S'mores- No explanation needed, yummy!
  • Chocolate Peppermint Stick- This is my second favorite flavor, the peppermint and chocolate are great together.
  • Iced Oatmeal Raisin - Good but a lot of cinnamon so I got sick due to my sensitivity to cinnamon.
  • Nutz over Chocolate- Yummy
  • Peanut Butter Cookie- Also Yummy
  • Caramel Nut Brownie- I tried it once but didn't buy it again, I am assuming it was because it was okay but not great!
  • LUNA Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter- My favorite in the new Luna Protein line.
  • LUNA Protein Cookie Dough- Pretty good, almost tastes like cookie dough.
***LUNA Protein Bar Note*** These are a chewy nougat bar, and they are a little hard to eat first thing in the morning. I will be saving mine for after workouts and will not be eating them during a run.

Today I found these 4 new flavors I will be trying this week and I will post an update on how they tasted:
  • Blueberry Bliss
  • Toaste Nuts 'n Cranberry
  • Cookies 'n Cream Delight
  • Dulce de Leche
If you need a healthy snack, or something sweet and healthy to keep on hand pick some up and give them a try, they keep me going!



  1. thanks for the tip! I could use all the help I can get... I do get sick of the stuff I usually buy.


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