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My new love...

As a lot of my friends know, I have always been a runner, I have always loved running. My Dad started me out running when I was 3. I still have a really young memory from when I was 3 or 4 and I remember going on a night run with my Dad and loving it. 30+ years later I still love it but now I have another love, riding my road bike!

Lucky for me, the weather has been crazy in Utah so almost every weekend since I got my bike I have gone on at least 1 ride. I have gone on most of them alone, but I really prefer having a friend with me. I have been going to about 6 spin classes a week which has really helped me when I get out on the road. I also have experienced my first flat and I had no idea how to take off my rear wheel to fix it so luckily my husband rescued me and took me to the bike shop for a lesson. You Tube on the side of the road was not very helpful...

This past weekend I went on a 14 mile ride with one of my dearest friends, Lori. We also did a drive by and stopped at a friends house in Herriman. Apparently we were stinky because we scared off her 10 year old Son, ha! Thanks for the water Heather!

Lori and I, along with some other friends, are going to be riding in our first bike ride in May called Goldilocks. We are doing the 60 mile ride and we are very excited and looking forward to it! Let's hope the weather holds up so we can get some more road time under our belts!

Ride safe!



  1. How long did it take you to get your butt to get ready? Ha, biker butt is killer when you are beginning

    1. Actually, not too long, 2 or 3 spin classes and my butt stopped hurting! Now, when I got my bike, I went and got some padded shorts, they literally have saved my A..!


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