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Finally, some answers! 

So today I went in for my Ultrasound and got the results of all my tests.
The blood tests and an Ultrasound of my Ovaries confirmed that I have PCOS- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and the blood tests and my symptoms show that along with PCOS I have insulin resistance. My body is basically fighting against my weightloss and causing me to gain weight. This is also why my cholesterol levels are slightly elevated and why I have very low energy all the time. All of my exercise and eating right is great but I had this invisible wall that was not allowing my body to burn the calories correctly. Lucky for me, my blood pressure is awesome and I am sure my heart is pretty dang healthy by now.

My doctor prescribed me a drug called Metformin which will help resolve my insulin resistance problem and help me be more sucessful with my weightloss efforts and also help get rid of all of the cysts on my ovaries. I will be working my way up to taking four of these pills a day.

My doctor said that my cells were retaining the sugar molecules and not releasing them when I would exercise. This medicine will help release the sugar so that when I exercise it's burned by my muscles.

After talking to my Doctor and to my Pharmacist I feel confident that I recieved the the best care and the right answers to what is going on with my body. Even my Pharmacist said that I was going to be very happy with the results.

Along with taking Metformin I will also be following a Low GI diet and so I purchased the book: The Low GI Guide to Managing PCOS by Jennie Brand-Miller also called The Low GI Guide to Living Well with PCOS by Jennie Brand-Miller. I got the e-book version for my nook but it is also available in paperback. Even though I was eating a healthy diet, it wasn't right for someone with PCOS.

I am very glad that I got answers and that my other blood tests ruled out many other problems that I could have had but thankfully I do not.

PCOS is a lifelong condition but is very managable as long as I take my medicine and change my diet.

I have family and friends with PCOS and I hope that you all find the answers you need to help you in your journey to a healthier, happier life.

Now that I am aware that I have PCOS I hope that I can help others suffering with this syndrome and I hope that by sharing my story, someone else with similar symptoms can go get the hormone testing done and the answers they need.

My doctor said if you watch women athletes and olympians, sometimes you will notice women with bigger bone structure, big muscles and a more masculine look to them, he said there is a good chance they also suffer from PCOS because those are some of the visual signs of PCOS.

Thank you all for your support and love. I am printing out all your kind and awesome comments, emails and messages you sent me and hanging them up for motivation.

I hate that I have to start all over with this weight-loss journey but I am so glad that this time I will be successful thanks to these new findings.

I am so ready to get rid of this fat suit, that is what it feels like, a giant fat suit. The normal sized healthy me is dying to get out of it!

Thanks for reading!

Love you all, 


  1. Jena- I am so glad that you found out some answers and that it is something the doctor can help you with!! I know you can do it- you are one of the strongest women I know. Love you and best of luck! We are all here cheering you on!

  2. Thanks Mandy! Love you too :) I have wonderful friends!


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