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I'm still alive!

Hello friends! Sorry I have not posted in awhile. I have been busy playing Mom, Wife, working out, and studying for my personal trainer certification and group fitness certification. My workshops and tests are next weekend and then the following weekend, so I will be done by July. I promise I have some great posts coming up I just need to find some time to write them!

I am still not weighing myself which is a great feeling. I feel free to be me and I love who I am and how I look even though I have not reached my ultimate weight-loss goal. I know I will get there, I am still working hard everyday.

Keep working hard and wish me luck with my studies! I can't wait to be able to turn around and be able to give back and help others reach their goals. I want people to experience the happiness I have everyday from what I have accomplished!

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Kristi- Thanks for your compliments today in class and thanks for encouraging me to post again! <3


  1. I can't find any other way to contact you except to post a comment. I served with your husband in Costa Rica and am trying to get in contact with him. I found this blog through your husband's blog and facebook. Anyhow, I hope you get to filter the comments before everyone it actually posts. My email is If you could pass it on to McKay, I would greatly appreciate it. Congratulations on your weight loss journey! Sounds like you are an inspiration to a lot of people! Happy 4th! David


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